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Blue Gem Farms 

Shariff whirlwind

Preserving the Essence of the Arabian Horse: Breeding for Excellence and Longevity

Welcome to Our Passion:
As an experienced breeder with a profound love for Arabian horses, German Shepherds, photography, and more, I am deeply committed to the future of the Arabian breed. Over the years, I have dedicated myself to challenging prevailing trends and refocusing on the true essence of these magnificent creatures. My commitment to breeding for excellence is rooted in the desire to produce well-rounded Arabian horses that exemplify impeccable conformation, sound health, and remarkable temperament.

Recognizing the Fads:
In recent years, I've observed a concerning trend within the Arabian horse community: a shift towards prioritizing superficial traits, such as the pursuit of a "perfect" dish face, while neglecting other essential characteristics. This alarming change has prompted me to question the state of the breed and reevaluate the prevalent breeding philosophies.


Our Breeding Philosophy:
Honesty and integrity are at the core of our breeding practices. Recognizing that perfection is elusive, we evaluate each horse with a discerning eye, acknowledging both their strengths and weaknesses. Our goal is to identify potential matches that can enhance desirable traits and rectify any shortcomings, thereby improving the overall quality of the breed.


The Importance of Pedigree:
We delve deep into the pedigrees of our prospective breeding pairs, examining beyond four or five generations and conducting thorough research to ensure no stone is left unturned. This meticulous approach ensures that we produce Arabian horses that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also possess the innate abilities to excel in various disciplines.


Creating the All-Around Horse:
Our breeding philosophy revolves around developing versatile Arabian horses capable of excelling in multiple areas. We aim to debunk the misconception that Arabians are flighty and difficult to manage. Recognizing the importance of a solid foundation, we place utmost importance on the health and structure of the feet and legs, which are crucial for the horse's overall well-being and performance.

Leaving a Legacy:
Driven by a deep sense of responsibility towards the breed, we strive to leave a lasting impact. Rejecting the notion of breeding solely for personal gain or trend-following, we believe in breeding to improve type, movement, temperament, conformation, and health. Each breeding decision is made with the intention of advancing the breed's future, ensuring progress with every subsequent generation.

Join Us in Our Journey:
In a world where fads often overshadow the true essence of a breed, we stand as a beacon of dedication, determined to preserve the authenticity and integrity of the Arabian horse. Through our careful breeding philosophy focused on excellence, we aim to produce all-around Arabian horses that embody the breed's timeless grace, remarkable versatility, and unwavering spirit. By committing to improvement and remaining true to the breed's heritage, we exemplify the role of a responsible breeder, leaving a positive and lasting impact on the breed for future generations to cherish.

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The Arabian Horse, A Journey into a Fascinating World 

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